Tuesday 4 June

Lux Antiqua - audiovisual installation

Welcome to experience a three-dimensional dialogue between music and image inside the historic Palmsteds’ Well on Stortorget in the Old Town! The installation reflects a celebration of voice, bathed in the unique and elusive northern lights and inspired by the improbable encounter of Spanish Renaissance Madrigals from the Cancionero de Upsala as well as the traditional Scandinavian Kulning herding calls - two geographically and functionally distant vocal expressions.

The installation is shown 2-9 of June 7-10 pm, no ticket is needed.

- Cancionero de Upsala, 1556. Ensemble Villancico.
- Lux Borealis (2006). Jenny Wilhelms, Scandinavian kulning voice & Peter Pontvik, composer

Original concept:
Peder Bjurman, Ricardo Atienza & Peter Pontvik.

Audio and video realisation:
Ricardo Atienza

Ricardo Atienza is a sound artist, Researcher and PhD Architect. His work focuses on the situated experience of and interaction with places in our daily environments. Atienza explores the relationship between sound and space, using sound to examine everyday environments through installations, interventions, and compositions.
Flag of Sweden.

Start time 19:00

Performance time 180

Location Stortorget

Ticket price 0
